Transportation in Bangkok is a huge problem. Traffic must be seen to be believed. It can literally take you 45 minutes to get around the block. It took us two hours to get to the airport. A ride that was little more than half an hour in the middle of the night when there was no traffic. Always walk if it's a viable option. Better yet take a water taxi to get closer to your destination. Taxis are cheap, tuk tuks are cheaper and the water taxi runs about 35 baht, barely a buck, depending on how far you go. They have a wonderful modern new sky train but it serves primarily the sprawling financial district. I believe it runs all the way to the airport as well. We should have taken the taxi to the nearest sky train station and used that to get to the airport.


Top Left: The ubiquitous tuk tuk.

Top Right: Bike rentals. We weren't there long enough to make it necessary, but it would be a very good option though dodging Bangkok traffic would be an unenviable task.

Left: Hot pink taxis. Can't miss em.

Bottom: Water taxis

All photos on this page are originals by & copyrighted by Daren Willden, unless otherwise stated. All rights reserved.