The University of
Utah. I received my BA in Marketing from here in...well a long time ago.
28,000 students as of the last semester. It is a top notch research institutioan
and they have an exceptional medical program. The artificial heart was
developed here.
Stadium above
Colorful demonstration.
I took this waaay back when I was in college the first time.
Marriott Library
George S. Eccles Memorial Bridge
The Park Building. Located on Presidents circle, it's one of the older
buildings on campus. It houses much of the campus administration.
Back in the days before the student services building and internet
registration, you came here to register for classes. You also brought
your Add & Drop Cards for schedule changes here. Damn I'm old.
All photos
on this page are originals by & copyrighted by Daren Willden, unless
otherwise stated.
All rights reserved. Permission required to use