Straddling the Utah-Arizona border Lake Powell, is a reservoir created by by Glen Canyon Damn. The damn - completed in 1966 - is the second largest in the country behind Hoover Damn's lake mead (just outside of Las Vegas). Extremely controversial, the damn has a surface area of over 250 square miles. It flooded countless archeological sites as well as scenic wilderness.

Still, the area is beautiful and Lake Powell has become an extremely popular recreation area. The park is home to Rainbow Bridge which is the largest natural arch in the world and fortunately was high enough in elevation to escape the flood waters. The lake is famous for house boat rentals and narrow slot canyons suitable only for personal water craft. These photos are ancient and I was not especially good with a camera at the time.

Left & Above: Views of the Glen Canyon Damn and Bullfrog Marina

Below: On the lake

Rainbow Bridge


All photos on this page are originals by & copyrighted by Daren Willden, unless otherwise stated.
All rights reserved. Permission required to use