ArtSpace is a 501-C nonprofit corporation dedicated to creating affordable work-live housing for artists. Created in the mid 1980's, the company specializes in adaptive reuse of derelict brownfield sites. Below are two ArtSpace projects. Both project are in neighborhoods that, at one time, were among the worst in the city. ArtSpace has a few other projects that I will try to photograph on my next foray to my hometown.


The California Tire and Rubber Company project leases 53 units for 34-55% below the market rate in the area. The Jennings-Hanna warehouse was designed by prolific local architect, Richard Kletting and was built in 1915 as cold storage for the California Tire & Rubber Company. It later housed liquor storage for the Utah State Liquor Commission, (the state agency that actually sells hard liquor in Utah).
The Pierpont Ave. project was the first of the ArtSpace projects. The Eccles-Browning warehouse was designed by Samuel T. Whitaker and built in 1910 for farmers to sell their goods on the hopes that the city would ban produce carts and require farmers to sell at the "Free Farmers' Market". Browning-Eccles Investment was unable to convince the city however, and a farmers market sprung up nearby. The warehouses were used for wholesale grocery and produce companies and were eventually abandoned.

All photos on this page are originals by & copyrighted by Daren Willden, unless otherwise stated.
All rights reserved. Permission required to use