Originally founded in 1330, Riga Castle was built by master mason, Ditrich Kreige and was actually a base for the Livonion Order which was in constant conflict with the city of Riga. Destroyed in the 15th century by the Rigans, it was rebuilt by 1515 and has been the seat of power for several governments in the area. Latvia is, after all a fairly new country and Riga has been under the control of various powers including, the Poles, Swedes, Germans and Russians, all before W.W.I. Napoleon's forces even sacked the suburbs of Riga. After W.W.I, Riga Castle was taken over by the Latvian State. It currently houses the Museum of Latvian History, Literature, Theatre and Music, The Museum of Foreign Art and the presidential residence.

A good source of architectural and historical info on the structure can be found at TourNet Latvia.