Originally founded in the 8th century, kiyomizu-Dera is a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the most famous Buddhist temple complexes in Kyoto. The current buildings date to 1633 and according to Wikipedia, not a single nail is used in their construction. It is located in Higashiyama and one of the walk up those winding streets with all the shops and restaurants is definitely part of the experience. Crowds are also part of the experience as Kiyomizu is very popular among Japanese tourists who flock to the site in droves.

A great history of the legend surrounding the temple's founding can be found at oriental architecture.com

The Niomon gate (Benevolent Kings Gate) , the top ones were taken by me, the ones above by Kara. She got a lot of views of this temple that I missed. She also took the ones below, the Aka-mon, or "Red Gate" and the city view.

Left: A view from inside the temple complex, looking back at the city.

Above Left: The crowds could be intimidating at times.

Left: and Above Right: More geisha, captured by Kara.

Kara also took the one directly below of the verandah overlooking the city,


All photos on this page are originals by & copyrighted by Daren Willden, unless otherwise stated. All rights reserved.