The dump page for stuff that didn't really fit anywhere else. A lot of pictures of us wandering around.

Top Left: an unusual building near Seurasaari.

Top Right: What a appears to be a father and son game of boules.

Above left: A wonderful photographic exhibit at the Lasipalatsi Media Centre. I'm unclear as to what the tower actually is. Whether it's modern sculpture or a retired water tower. Good landmark though.

Above Right: Yeah that's me, a bit frumpy after a long day.

Left: Paul being, well...Paul.



Pam took the pic of Lessanne to the left.

Below Left: Lesanne

Below Right: Most of the gang that was on the trip.

Paul took this pic of Pam.

All photos on this page are originals by & copyrighted by Daren Willden, unless otherwise stated. All rights reserved.