In March of 2003, Denver was hit with one of the biggest snow storms in its history. Over a three day period, the storm dumped over three feet of snow in my neighborhood. Areas in the foothills got as much as eight feet of snow.


I believe I took this on the second night of the storm. This was actually taken during a lull in the storm. Yes those are cars beneath those mounds of snow. A snow laden pine tree later fell on one of them.
The roof of Club Vinyl collapsed under the weight of the snow. What you can't see is that most of it ended up in Floyd's Barber Shop next door. They repaired Club Vinyl. The barber shop was a total loss and was demolished.
People doing what people do when it snows and you can't go to school or work.
You can see my truck since I actually drove it the day before (primarily to make sure I could get in and out of the parking). There is a car buried under that mound of snow next to me that you can't see.
A beautiful neighborhood anyway, it's almost a postcard with the snow.
When driving isn't a good option, you think of other means of transportation. Even if your car was good in the snow, so many roads and intersections were blocked by stuck cars and snow drifts that driving was just really not a viable option.
If you look closely, you can see someone boarding off of the roof of the Colorado History Museum. Ironically, the nearby ski resorts didn't get much snow out of the storm.